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Trace the history of the evolution of the brewery through the timeline below with only some of the major events outlined.


Just some of the major events in the Macardle Moore & Co Story.

January 1707

A History Of Brewing in Dundalk

A History Of Brewing in Dundalk 1707 - 1862 The town of Dundalk has always been ideally suited to a foster a brewing industry. It allowed easy access to water, [...]

April 1863

EH Moore and Andrew T Moore Partnership

EH Moore and Andrew T Moore Partnership 1863 By 1863 E.H. Macardle had bought out the Duffys and he entered into partnership with his fellow Dundalk and Newry Steam Packet [...]

April 1882

April 1892

April 1895

Macardles and Moore for a company

Macardles Moore and Co becomes a limited company in 1995. Pictures are the Signatures of Attendance of the first board meeting of Macardle Moore & Co Ltd after becoming a limited [...]

April 1900

Directors Report 1900

Report of the Directors 1900 To the Shareholders of Macardle Moore and Co Ltd for the 12 Months ended 31st August 1900. Your Directors have much pleasure in submitting their [...]

April 1903

Copper Explosion

Copper Explosion Report 1903 Report of the Directors To the Shareholders of Macardle Moore & Company Limited For the twelve months ended 31st August 1903 Your directors have much pleasure [...]

April 1907

Macardles Malt Wagon

Macardles Patent Malt Wagon & Measure 1907 Macardles patent a Malt Wagon Measure at the Irish International Exhibition.

April 1915

Directors Report 1915

Grave Financial Conditions 1915 The document pictured is a copy of the original Directors Report which calls for a general meeting at the Macardles Brewery Offices to outline the "Grave [...]

Sir Thomas Callan Macardle KBE

Sir Thomas Callan Macardle KBE 1915 Sir Thomas Callan Macardle is awarded the KBE for services in supplying grain to the British Troops during World War 1.  

April 1922

Dorothy Macardle Irish Patriot

Dorothy Macardle Irish Patriot 1922 Dorothy Macardle becomes prominent in the Irish Patriot Movement. A prize in her name continues to be awarded for "Musician of the Year" in Dundalk

April 1959

New Bottling Line

New Bottling Line Installation 1959 Impressive Expansion of Old Dundalk Firm. Cambricville Brewery’s Equipment Second to None Home and Export Trade on Firm Footing A unique event took place at [...]

April 1960

Double Diamond

Double Diamond 1960 Ian Cook (Burton on Trent) introduces Double Diamond, a new chilled and filtered beer at the Macardle Moore site in Dundalk, Co. Louth.

April 1962

Irish Ale Breweries

Irish Ale Breweries Formed 1962 Irish Ale Breweries was formed including Guinness, Macardle Moore, Smithwicks and Cherry's Breweries.

April 1963

100th Anniversary

100th Anniversary 1963 Macardle Moore & Co. Celebrates its 100th Anniversary

April 1977

The Great Flood

The Great Flood 1977 The Ramparts river overflowed and completely flooded the Macardles site in Dundalk, Co. Louth. But production continued nonetheless...  

April 1988

125 Anniversary

125 Anniversary 1988 Macardle Moore celebrates its 125th Anniversary in 1988.  

Guinness buy IAB

Guinness Buy IAB 1988 Guinness purchase Irish Ale Breweries including Macardle Moore and Co. Ltd

April 1994

ISO 9002 Standard

ISO 9002 Standard 1994 The ISO 9002 Quality Standard awarded to Macardle Moore Brewery.

April 1996

Canning and Bottling Line

Canning Line and Bottling Line 1996 A new Canning Line was installed as well as a major upgrade to the Bottling Line in Macardle Moore, Dundalk at a cost of [...]

April 2001


Macardle Moore Closure 2001 Pictured is a small collection of the vast amount of National press which followed the announcement of the imminent closure of Dundalk Packaging (Macardle Moore & [...]

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