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Death Notice Of EH Macardle
Death of Prominent Dundalk Man
26th Feb 1887
Today it is our painful duty to record the demise of one who had occupied a prominent position in Dundalk for close on half a century, and then whom no man during that period had, or deserved to have, more personal friends and sincere well wishers in the County Louth.
It is no exaggeration to say that a better natured or more generous hearted man than Edward Henry Macardle of Cambricville, has not lived in Dundalk during this time. In every movement for the relief of the poor of Dundalk he was always to be found in the front rank and amongst the most liberal subscribers.
For the long space of twenty four years he occupied the position of Chairman of the Town Board and Borough Magistrate. He was a member of the Harbour Board during the same period, and for some years occupied the position of chairman. He was also a director of the Steam Packet Company, a magistrate of the county, and an ex-officio Guardian of the Poor Law Board. As a magistrate, whether in the borough or petty sessions in court, he was a lenient judge as far as justice would permit him to be.
He was the senior partner in the well known Cambricville Brewery, and his, commercial transactions were characterised by the strictest honesty and integrity. He was as popular with the farmers from whom he purchased barley as with the vintners to whom he sold his ales.
On yesterday morning he breathed his last, and the intelligence of his demise, although not unexpected, was received by every class and creed with expressions of sincere regret. At the Petty Sessions on yesterday the magistrates postponed the hearing of all except the custody cases, and the ships in the harbour of Newry as well as of Dundalk had their flags at half-mast as a mark of respect to his memory. Tomorrow at two o’clock his remains will be removed for interment in Castletown Cemetery.
TIP – Edward Henry was obvious an impressive character who put his talents across many businesses, organisations and public bodies but notably was generous and lenient.