Copper Explosion Report
Report of the Directors
To the Shareholders of Macardle Moore & Company Limited
For the twelve months ended 31st August 1903
Your directors have much pleasure in submitting their tenth annual report and statement of accounts. Your Directors are pleased to report a substantial increase in output during the year — about six thousand barrels — due in a great measure to the large share of Military trade which they manage to secure. As you are aware there was a serious explosion of one of the coppers at the Brewery on 15th June last, happily unattended by any loss of life among your employees. The indirect loss from this accident owing to a temporary interruption of brewing operations and the supplying of contracts from outside sources has been considerable — though your directors gratefully acknowledge that prompt and generous assistance from other brewers reduced that lose to a minimum. The direct loss, the cost of restoration as ascertained up to date of audit, is £1038:16:3 — of this the insurance Coys. are bearing £750 and the balance has been debited to general reserve fund. The accident necessities the erection of two new coppers one of which is working — and the other in course of erection — pending the completion of the work the full extent of the loss has not been dealt with.
M. Macardle Chairman
Joseph Mullen Secretary